Abuelita Cafe de Olla (00:43)

Watch as we create our version of the rich, delicious and traditional Café de Olla using a Royal Prestige® coffee maker and iconic NESTLÉ® ABUELITA™. To make it using a regular pot, see the full recipe https://www.elmejornido.com/en/recipes/abuelita-cafe-de-olla/ Find more recipes rich in Hispanic history and culture @https://www.instagram.com/elmejornidonestle/ Café de Olla is a traditional Mexican coffee drink. The name literally translates to “pot coffee.” A traditional café de olla is made with ground coffee, cinnamon, and piloncillo in an earthen clay pot. Optional ingredients are orange peel, anise, and clove. Ingredients 4 cups water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 Mexican cinnamon stick 1 piece orange peel (3 inches) 1 tablet (90 grams) NESTLÉ® ABUELITA™ Authentic Mexican Hot Chocolate Drink 4 tablespoons instant coffee granules #abuelita #coffeerecipes #recetas